Mercer Clinic for the Pets of the Homeless is a volunteer group of UC Davis veterinary students who, together with volunteer local and UCD faculty veterinarians, offer a free clinic monthly to care for the pets of the homeless in Sacramento. The Mercer Clinic began in 1993 and is adjacent to the Sacramento Loaves and Fishes facility where food and care are provided for the homeless.
In 1995, the staff VOICE newsletter committee for the UCD Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital started the Mercer Clinic Holiday Pet Baskets tradition to brighten the holidays for these very special pets. Sadly, the need has grown significantly over the years and our goal every year is to make 130 baskets (80 for dogs and 50 for cats).
The program relies on donations from pet supply companies and from the public, to buy the pets gifts and treats. The baskets are distributed by the Mercer Clinic veterinary student volunteers to the pets of the homeless who attend the December Mercer Clinic. Donations are welcome and much needed all year-round, but this year the clinic has greater need for monetary donations than ever before.
Please help us continue this wonderful program and holiday pet basket tradition for these special pets who deserve a happy holiday, too. All donations for the Mercer Clinic or the Mercer Holiday Pet Baskets are tax-deductible.
To donate to the Holiday Pet Basket program, please make your check to UC Regents-Mercer Clinic Holiday Pet Baskets and mail to our new mailing address: UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, Office of the Dean, P.O. Box 1167, Davis CA, 95617-1167 Attn: Mercer Holiday Pet Baskets.
If you would like to make a donation to the Mercer Clinic for the ongoing clinic needs, please make your check to Mercer Vet Clinic and mail it to Mercer Vet Clinic for the Pets of the Homeless, P.O. Box 297, Davis, CA, 95617. If you have any questions, please call (530) 756-5165 or email
Eileen Samitz and the Mercer Clinic Holiday Pet Basket Committee
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