Marco Rubio & Grover Norquist favour policies which are displacing Southerners
Since the re-election of Barack Obama a large number of leading Republican politicians and media figures have come out?publicly?in favour of amnesty for the many million of illegal immigrants living in the United States?(see?here,?here,?here?and?here). This is despite the fact that Hispanics, who make up the vast majority of illegal aliens, vote two to one against the Republican Party. Recent news article highlight strong support for amnesty from Grover Norquist and Marco Rubio. Norquist, an influential tax reform lobbyist and member of the Council on Foreign Relations from Pennsylvania, is quoted in an article by Fawn Johnson for as claiming that the GOP wants more immigration, not less:
Republican insider Grover Norquist is a strong supporter of amnesty & demographically displacing Southerners.
?We are the pro-immigrant party, not the anti-immigrant party,? Norquist said in a Friday meeting with?National Journal?reporters. ?And the conservative free market movement, the religious right people, the business guys, the law enforcement guys, we all want more legal immigration. So it?s sound, right of center. It?s Ronald Reagan.?
Likewise, a recent Fox New Latino article highlights Florida Senator Marco Rubio?s support for amnesty and far more legal immigration as well, attempting to play on public sympathy for the children of illegal aliens:
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio on Thursday pushed for legal immigration to this country, called for prudence in the possible regularization of the status of millions of undocumented foreigners already living here and urged a permanent solution for people brought here illegally as children.
?He discussed implementating a legal immigration system in the country that would be based on family reunification of immigrants and work permits in areas such as agriculture and construction.
Also in the news is the announcement of a new GOP super PAC to raise money for and support pro-amnesty Republicans. Peter Wallsten reports for The Washington Post:
Prominent Republicans are launching a new super PAC they hope will help begin repairing the political damage left by years of anti-illegal immigrant rhetoric that has dominated GOP primaries and alienated crucial Hispanic voters.
The organization, to be called Republicans for Immigration Reform, aims to undermine what organizers call the ?extremists? who have pushed party nominees to stake out far-right positions such as opposing a pathway to legalization for millions of illegal workers, students and children.
And so,?Republican Party elites push as hard as they can to displace their political base and legalise millions of people from an ethnic group which overwhelmingly rejects their party every election cycle.
Notice also how those who oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants are labeled ?extremists? and ?far-right? in the above?Washington Post article. Consider that when the US borders to the Third World were thrown open in 1965 the United States was between 85 and 90% White (depending on which source is used) and voters were promised by supporters of open borders such as Ted Kennedy that the demographics of the United States would not be affected. US President Lyndon John said that the change was ?not revolutionary.? However, we can see from demographic data that President Johnson and Senator Kennedy lied to the public. Consider, for example, that California was 80% White in 1970. By 2008, after only 43 years of Third World immigration the Golden State?s population was down to 42% White. In the summer of 2012 we were told by the US media that the majority of children in the US are now non-Whites, meaning that soon Whites will be a minority in land which was overwhelmingly White only a few decades ago. This has indeed been a revolutionary change. One population has been largely replaced by another population due to the policies of the United States Federal Government. Under Article II of the 1948 Genocide Convention this is described as genocide (which does not have to be a violent act of war, according to international law). Going back to The Washington Post article, we are now told by the US media that we are ?far-right? if we oppose our own demographic replacement; we are ?extremists? if we oppose genocide. It?s very clear that although people such as Norquist and Rubio who support more Third World immigration and amnesty may claim that they are ?anti-racist? the effect of the policies they promote is anti-White. And considering that the Southern States are on the front lines of the demographic revolution and that Southerners are being displaced as a people and culture due to US policy, Norquist, Rubio and those like them are also anti-Southern.
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