Gabrian and Rod Zwemke will be teaming up for ?Marriage Revolution,? a free seminar being sponsored by Crossroads Church on Feb. 1-2. Preregister by calling 706-387-0404.
Crossroads Church is hosting a free marriage seminar, called Marriage Revolution.
?With the added stress of financial pressures today, marriage seems to be tougher than ever,? said Rod Zwemke, teaching pastor at Crossroads, who along with his wife Gabrian, will lead the seminar in early February. The Zwemkes have been married 18 years.
Relationships can be amazing but they can also be a nightmare. Sometimes they become stale. All face challenges. The worst thing you can do with one is ignore the warning signs or take it for granted.
?The need today in our homes is a marriage revolution founded on the love of God,? said Zwemke, who invites the community to come experience a Marriage Revolution that will change the way you live.
?We want to serve our community by building strong families,? said Zwemke.
?What we are offering is a Biblically-based marriage seminar that can help people get a fresh perspective, renewed hope and practical help with their marriage,? said Zwemke.
Consider some of the challenges to today: Maintaining a healthy marriage in this day and time is harder than ever ? financial pressures, demanding schedules, lack of a good role models.
?God defines marriage as ?two becoming one flesh,?? said Zwemke. ?This is a statement of far more than physical intimacy, but a statement of intent ? that two individuals would no longer function as individuals, but as a team ? both seeking the greater good of the relationship instead of themselves.
?The expectation God has is oneness, not sameness. The two people are not to be clones of each other, but unified on the core issues and values that are necessary for join decision-making. It means putting the needs of your spouse ahead of your own,? he said. ?It means learning the art of collaboration, communication and deferring to one another.?
According to Zwemke, the foundation for marriage is God himself.
?He created us for intimacy with him and with others, including a spouse. He wired us to share life with someone,? said Zwemke. ?Marriage is designed for our good, the good of our spouse, our children and a means to bring God glory. If a couple can recognized that their marriage concerns more than just them, but ultimately is a way to honor God, they can work through issues under God?s leadership.
?The most common false expectation in marriage is that the marriage itself or the other person will make you happy. That is a huge burden to put on another person or the marriage,? he said. ?Jesus told us to find our happiness, significance and peace in God alone. Our spouse is someone who adds to that joy that comes from God. When a spouse expects the other person to fulfill them, it is a recipe for disaster.
?When the marriage relationship is one that compliments a healthy relationship with God, the marriage can flourish apart from unreal expectations,? said Zwemke.
The couple will share from their experience and observations.
?In our experience, a lack of intimacy with God by the individuals is the single greatest problem in a marriage,? said Zwemke. ?The second is communication.
?We spend an entire session on personal spiritual growth and another on helping couples communicate and conflict in a healthy way. We also give some practical steps to ?fight fair?,? he said.
When: Friday, Feb. 1, from 7-9 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 2, from 9:30 a.m. to noon
Where: Crossroads Church C-House: 828 Highway 124 in Jefferson, GA 30549
Who: All are welcome. Preregister by calling 706-387-0404
Cost: None
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